The Rotary Club of Glenferrie soared to unprecedented heights on April 16th, during the Riverside and Eastside joint cluster meeting held at the prestigious Green Acres Golf Club. This momentous occasion marked the culmination of the club's dedication and relentless efforts, resulting in the honor of receiving not one, but two distinguished awards from District 9800.
The first accolade bestowed upon the club was the prestigious 2022-2023 Rotary Citation, a testament to the unwavering commitment and tireless endeavors of its members throughout the year. This citation recognises the club's exemplary performance in engaging its members and maintaining relevance within the community, showcasing its proactive approach and impactful contributions.
PP Charles Tran Assistant Governor
(Eastside Cluster) receiving awards on
behalf of
the Rotary Club of Glenferrie from District Governor Ron Payne. 
Additionally, the Rotary Foundation bestowed upon the club a second remarkable award, bearing the signatures of esteemed figures in the Rotary International community, including Past President Jennifer Jones and Chair of The Rotary Foundation Trustees, Ian Riseley. This recognition underscores the club's significant philanthropic efforts and dedication to the core values of Rotary.
These prestigious awards were presented to the Rotary Club of Glenferrie by none other than District Governor Ron Payne, highlighting the club's exceptional achievements and its standing as a beacon of excellence within the Rotary district.