Posted by Mark Ellis AM
Ahhhhh!!  Don’t you want to stand on your doorstep and yell at the top of your lungs in frustration about our state of affairs?  The reserved British, I am told stand on the doorsteps and clap each night.  The Italians sing.  Not much to clap or sing about.  It is what it is.  We cannot “fight it on the beaches….” but we can remain calm, wear masks and obey the government rules.  Whoever it is to blame, we are still in the situation of trying to get out of it.  We are all stoic people and will get through this pandemic in one piece.  
However, what that “one piece” for our club, will look like will be interesting.  I have worried about the stagnation going on and that would appear a good reason to offer to run for the President’s role next year.  All active and honory members should have received an open letter from myself indicating my intentions.       
This was only after the President Elect Teresa Liu graciously bowed to my suggestions and reasons that the recovery and improvement of the health of the club would be easier if the incumbent President kept on going.  For me it was a big and not an easy decision.   

The club will need a strong Board and the grace of its members to be once again the dynamic and progressive club that we pride ourselves as.  I would argue that we have not lost this, but it has been muddled under the COVID cloud.  I hope you will support my intentions at the AGM in November.  The best way to succeed in politics is to find a crowd that is going somewhere and get in front of them.  Hence, I know we will be successful with me putting my faith in all of you.
One really great piece of news is our second Rotary Citation in 2 years.  This time with the top award Platinum.  This does show that we are that “Dynamic and Progressive Club”.  Congratulations to Thelma and her Board from last year. Ghee – A hard act to follow.
Well, we haven’t been asleep this week, the Board met on Monday.  
  1. The District Policies were adopted.  Mutual Respect, Harassment, Media policies etc., can be found by going into your Club runner, click on Membership Resources and then on District Policies.  They are all there for us to be aware of and follow.
  2. Foundation – Cheryl outlined the “Walk with Us” as an End Polio Now event throughout October to support the eradication of poliomyelitis.  We are looking at building a Glenferrie Team.  Please watch the Bulletin for details.
  3. International - Vo Thanh District.  The board voted to purchase 50 desk and chair sets for students and 20 desk and chair sets for teachers.  This is our initial foray into this international service project.
  4. Membership - Elizabeth outlined possibilities for the future.  An indication of how a club is going is noted by the numbers turning up to meetings.  We presently have an average of 75%.  The wine and cheese informal night was viewed upon for different events like a bingo and trivia nights for the future.
  5. Public Relations - Be aware that our club does have a FaceBook page.  Please go to it if you use FB and “like” and “share” everything to your friends to promote our club.
  6. Peacebuilder Club - Rotary District has now a Rotary Action Group for Peace (RAGFP).  If members are interested in this worthy cause, there are opportunities for projects.  See  I found the whole concept interesting.  Our club could be one of a few Melbourne Clubs designated as a Rotary Peacebuilding Club.  You only have to have a committee of two Rotarians.
Finally, one of the aspects that we all should be thinking about is to how to engage our club and the community in the perceived “spin off” sub-projects that could come from our 100 Year Playground project.  We should be thinking of the many project and “hand on” aspects that our club could be involved in after the playground is set up.  I have asked our Board members to think about what we can achieve.  You, the general members should use your imaginations.  It is important to have plans in place before the horse is bolted, and we have achieved nothing more than the initial project.