I dropped into to the Essential Service market day. It was terrific to see so many people having such a good time, even if the weather could not make up its mind whether to cooperate or not. As usual the Fire Brigade was a big hit with the kids. Also of note, was the Blood Bank whose Camberwell facility will be opening shortly. The band organized by Felix was also a great hit. Just a terrific day all round. Congratulations once again to the Committee who no doubt nearly drowned on Friday setting up.
On 22nd October we will have Murray Verso to update us on the latest on the program to eradicate polio. Murray is an entertaining and informative speaker so please attend and show your support.
On 29th October we have an “in house" night. We have with the assistance of the Bendigo Bank, purchased a defibrillator for emergencies at the market or other Rotary events. Past president Charles Tran, wearing his St Johns Ambulance hat, will demonstrate how to use the device. We hope that it is never required but it's better to be prepared.
Don’t forget the Sumba Eye Program gala event is drawing near. Purchase your tickets now as they are selling fast.
President Peter Moore