Some of our members may recall Mike Englefield of the Eltham Rotary Club speaking to us about this competition 18 months ago. The competition was started in 2002 to provide sporting opportunities to assist building the self-esteem of individuals with intellectual disability or who are otherwise disadvantaged. We were invited to become involved as many of the games are played at MLC in Kew.
During the past year members of the Youth and Community Service groups have assisted with the set up prior to games, and then taken payments from players and guests during the evening. Our commitment is 2 hours each month on a Friday evening. So, we are a "small cog" in the wheel but important, as payments would not otherwise be collected to fund the competition. There is a sign-up page on the roster tab of our website for the next 2 months of the year and this will continue next year. Members are encouraged to help out when available.