Posted by Peter Harries

We were given an informative talk on the growing insidious, and fatal, disease called Myeloma, a type of blood cancer of the bone marrow.

Myeloma is diagnosed in 38 Australians every week, with a life expectancy of seven to eight years. There is no known cause, it is not heredity, and there is no known cure at this time. There are a number of treatment options, including new antibody drugs and marrow transplants which may prolong a patient's life.

Peter Allen, a past president of Camberwell, has been with Myeloma Australia and ROMP (Rotary Outreach Myeloma Project) for 10 years, which is to give support to Victorians living in regional areas. ROMP organises for the estimated 1000 patients in this area to have access to support services, regular meetings chaired by qualified nurses with patients, and discussions on how to manage life with this disease, as well as understanding new medical advances.
Adrian Campbell spoke of his life with Myeloma, and spends much of his time with Peter touring Victoria, setting up new centres to add to the present nine in operation.
The talk was to inform us of the ROMP program…a great Rotary service indeed