Enjoy a fine drop, heavily discounted for a limited time only
Savings of 10% & 25%
Contribute to the great work of RIMERN.
Buying 6 or 12, or more, of the wonderful Van range of wines will help RIMERN to help welfare clients who have experienced homelessness, domestic violence, incarceration, refugee displacement and other crises. These wines have just been heavily discounted until October 2024, but RIMERN continues to make $40 a dozen on every dozen sold. Buy 6 to 11 bottles and get a savings of 10%; buy 12 or more bottles and save 25%!
What difference could $40 make? This helps RIMERN to raise funds for the promotional signage and ongoing running costs of the Commercial Van, purchased in 2022 to pick up vital goods donations. Please order some “Van Rouge”, “Van Rose” or “Van Blanc”, and help keep the RIMERN Van on the road!
Your choice of wines – one variety or mixed – to be delivered to your door.
Just follow this link now to place your order, and soon you will be making a difference while you enjoy a fine drop: Van_Wines