Posted by Don Moore
Jessica Leigh & Neyeli Vithanage - MUNA 2024
We were entertained by Jessica Leigh & Neyeli Vithanage, students from Sacra Couer College. Jessica & Neyeli recently represented the Rotary Club of Glenferrie at the Model United Nations Assembly, hosted by the District Youth Program. This program simulates the workings of the United Nations Assembly by having two senior students, from a number of schools, represent Nations involved with the United Nations. Jessica & Neyeli were chosen to represent New Zealand at the Assembly.  
On the opening day they represented their Country by dressing as two sheep farmers. They outlined that on behalf of New Zealand they presented and argued on subjects such as climate change, trade and social issues. Their presentations were very eloquent and outlined a degree of confidence that they had gained by participating in this opportunity. I was very impressed by Jessica’s & Neyeli’s presentations, and it outlines the benefits that are gained from our Youth Programs.